Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Snow Day in Seattle
18 degrees in Seattle. Yes, 18. The burbs could drop into the 12-16 degree range tonight.
The crazy Seattle weather continues. Record breaking rainfall..now snow. The roads are a mess...completely iced over. Schools are shut down...Microsoft even closed our main campus today. This may seem silly to my friends who live in the North East and Mid West, but Seattle literally shuts down when it snows. Contemplated sledding with tneighborbor kids, but opted for a walk to Starbucks (4 miles roundtrip) with my Chocolate Lab.
The crazy Seattle weather continues. Record breaking rainfall..now snow. The roads are a mess...completely iced over. Schools are shut down...Microsoft even closed our main campus today. This may seem silly to my friends who live in the North East and Mid West, but Seattle literally shuts down when it snows. Contemplated sledding with tneighborbor kids, but opted for a walk to Starbucks (4 miles roundtrip) with my Chocolate Lab.