Where do I start?? There are SO many "favorite" moments, so I will start at the beginning...
H and D's cancelled flight turned into two first class tickets on the next available flight...MVP status does have it's privileges. This is one of the many, many reasons why said friend enjoys her trustee travel companion.
So, we land in LV and head to baggage claim, while at baggage claim, we witnessed a very bizarre mix of people. We soon learned that a pro Rodeo and the LV Marathon were both taking place. Strange, very strange. I have never seen so many cowboy hats in such a concentrated area. Note: I am the only one of the group that can throw out the line "I'm a cowgirl".
Upon arrival at THEHotel, we found our other travel companions in their PJ's. Well, it was midnight and the did arrive in the AM, so we cut them slack...except for the birthday girl.
Favorite moments/things:
H's reenactment of the moment when J "accidentally" drenched P with her mouth full of water. OOPPS! Apparently, P's skin is STILL dewy and moist. Oh, she does have some other reenactment, but they are too hard to put into words.
"Hello Kitty" SWAG bags..B is such a Girl Scout! Thank you for supplying all the ladies with tic-tacs, antibacterial lotion, lip smacker, Emergen-C and "kisses".
K dancing with TWO cowboys! No, I am NOT kidding.
Last but not least, L heard the following broadcasted over the loudspeaker at McCarran."Passengers Novosel and Mathieson, please report to Gate D26 for an immediate departure. Apparently, she was cracking up, yet at the same worried that we might be trapped in the airport if we didn't make it! I can't think of anything worse...
Best quotes:
"I was a running back, feel my quads!" --H couldn't resist... AHHH
"How sad, she is the runner-up"
"Are we HAVIN' any fun"...sung off tune
"we almost missed our flight, but dang, those fries were goooooooooooddddd"
We are lucky to have such a great group of friends! I am so glad I was able to partake in K's birthday festivities!